Monday, March 27, 2017

Stop hating on religion, we all just want to be happy. Believe it or not, even Muslims. Gasp!

  I have noticed a trend when people comment on social media news and it really worries me. Everyone has an opinion and I do get that but when your opinions are based on religion or you stereotype every person that follows a religion due to the acts of some of them, it makes us all step backwards from our attempted achievement of equal rights for all. I see so much hate coming from so many religions that preach peace and love. All I am seeing is people judging strangers around them. Calling people murders and pedophiles when you have never met one another. The number one comment I see is 'We would never let this happen in our country\religion'. Research some of the history on any religion and you will find tons of similarities. Take a look at the town of Bountiful, B.C. Canada, look at the crimes these people have committed.

   If you look closer at the bible or which ever other books or writings these religions follow you will notice these gods rule in fear, not love. That's right FEAR. All these gods have been invented, not by one person, spirit, or god but by thousands of years of FEAR for the unknown. These books were made to easily control and force people to obey the laws where they lived with FEAR of the ultimate unknown thing...Death. You can threaten someone in life with jail time, fines, or whatever else but they will always feel they still have a choice. That they can still rebel and refuse. Threaten them in death where no one has a choice. We cannot rebel from death or refuse it. We know it will come to us all. Everyone hates the unknown, it is a scary thing not to know. So it leaves you vulnerable to accept almost anything to stop that fear. We all want to know. No one wants everything to just be over when you die. We are all hoping for something more.  These religions just fuel that fear by giving you another option. That there is life after death. Then they back it up with a story that appeals to your natural instincts and threatens you with torture in the ultimate unknown thing of death or for those that obey, the never ending happiness of a heaven. Successfully making you listen or have the wrath of your god. In 2017 you would think humans would not need that fear to make us good people as we did thousands of years ago but apparently we do.

  There is always those select groups that take it too far because they FEAR not following their god exactly. Which could mean being sent to their hell. Which they are taught from a young age, in most religions, is the worst thing that could happen to you. In the end they are usually all good people trying to make their way to a happy as an atheist I have gained the knowledge not to judge someone on their religion but the acts of the people themselves. The fact that so many people would find it alright to hate millions of people for the actions of some, seems totally ridiculous. That's like cutting down every tree because one fell down on you. I know there is millions of people worshipping the Muslim religion and not millions of Muslims killing people for it. Just like in Bountiful there is bad parts of all religions but not all people worshipping the same religion are participating in those bad activities. So stop hating...everyone just wants happiness.

Robin L.A. Shaw

OK I am going to finish my rant with...Aliens man...Aliens.